When should a teen start seeing a gynecologist? Many parents wonder when it’s time for their teen to begin yearly gynecologic appointments. Between the ages of 13-15 is typically a good time to start.
Many girls start menstruating by this age, and it’s important for them to see a healthcare professional who specializes in women’s health.
Here are a few things that are common at the first visit:
– Questions about your health history, including any sexual activity.
– An external physical exam (an internal exam is typically not necessary).
– Administering any needed vaccines.
– A chance to address questions or concerns with your doctor.
Remember, it’s normal for teens to be nervous about their first visit. Talking with them about what to expect can be immensely helpful!
And don’t forget — your teen’s doctor is a valuable resource. They understand the anxiety that can surround this first visit and are happy to help any way they can!
If you have questions regarding your teen’s first gynecologic appointment, don’t hesitate to give us a call!
Delaware Office: 716-877-1221
Transit Office: 716-684-5454
#empireobgyn #obgynbuffalony #teenhealth #womenshealth