There’s a good chance that once baby comes, you’ll be ready to kiss those pesky pregnancy-related symptoms goodbye! But you’re not in the clear just yet — sorry! After baby is born, you’re body will take a while to “reset.”
So just how much postpartum bleeding — also called lochia — is normal?
First of all, whether you have a vaginal delivery OR c-section, postpartum bleeding is normal. The heaviest bleeding will typically last 7-10 days, but you can expect to see light bleeding or spotting for 4-6 weeks. Every woman is different, so this is just a guideline!
There are some possible complications after childbirth About 5% of women will experience excessive bleeding, called postpartum hemorrhage. It usually occurs within a couple days of birth, but can occur several weeks later as well.
It’s important to recognize the symptoms:
– Passing large clots.
– Soaking through a sanitary pad every hour.
– Foul smelling lochia.
– Chills, dizziness, fever, or nausea.
If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately!
But rest assured that this serious complication isn’t common. So enjoy your time with your sweet, new babe!